Sleep is one of the most important things to the human body. It is necessary to prevent infections, and rebuild muscles. It also helps the brain control moods, behavior, focus, and memory. School start times influence the amount of sleep students get each night. Although other factors like homework, after-school activities, work, and screen time affect sleep, having to get up as early as five o’clock changes the amount of sleep students get and sleep quality.
The average teenager should get nine to ten hours of sleep a night for our bodies to function properly. According to a study done by Idaho State University, sleep deprivation can result in a lower grade point average, increased academic failure, compromised learning, and impaired mood along with a decrease in focus and memory.
There are many studies showing that later school start times can improve attendance, tardiness, and grades. Delaying school start times delays student wake up times which can lead to less falling asleep in class. There are factors that schools cannot control but they can control starting times. Such as students who stay up later to complete homework or just watch tv and sit on their phone.
Another study done by the National Library of Medicine shows that schools with start times later than 8:30 a.m. saw 32.2% of students getting eight hours or more of sleep. However schools with start times before 8:00 a.m. only saw 23.2% of students getting eight hours or more of sleep. Delaying school start times is beneficial for the amount of sleep students are getting and will help them function better throughout the school day.
Although delaying school start times is overall a good idea, it does have its drawbacks. With school starting later, there would be more buses on the roads during rush hour in the mornings and afternoons rather than being on the road earlier. There could also be conflicts with sports practices and games having to be later in the day, and childcare before and after school.
Students also need to be able to time manage and control their sleep schedule as not all the blame is on the school. If a student were to spend their afternoon on their phone when they have homework, they will most likely stay up late to finish it before school the next day. Instead, do the homework in the afternoon then use whatever time left to be using technology. It’s hard to figure out time management but with the help of schools, students can manage their time and sleep schedules as well.