Andrew Tate arrested for sexual assault allegations
January 13, 2023
Emory Andrew Tate, a British social media influencer, businessmen, and former professional kick boxer was arrested in Romania on Dec. 29, 2022, Tate was arrested along with his brother Tristan Tate and one other, on two charges of sexual assault and human trafficking dating back to 2015. He had originally moved to Romania because the rape laws are more lenient there and that he can get away with.
He was known for having women at his house 24 hours a day and soon his house had been used by taxis so often that it was labeled at his address. Tate has described himself as a misogynist, and his controversy has caused him to be suspended from multiple social media platforms which has drawn a big conversation to students at Hereford High School.
¨He is known to be sexist, racist and homophobic and some will view him as a role model figure because of this and it’s not okay,¨ Gabe Balakirsky (´25) said.
But how many students know what human trafficking actually and the seriousness of the crime? Why should Tate be punished?
Human trafficking by definition is the force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. According to Homeland Security, traffickers often use manipulation, or vulnerability in order to trap their victims from seeking help, even in highly public places. Millions of Americans are victims of this crime and students who know about it may not understand that it is a threat in our society.
¨There are many subsets to human trafficking that students that I don´t think students are aware of and it´s not taught so students learn it more culturally,¨ Mary Stuller, English teacher at Hereford High School said.
The Center for Counteracting Human Trafficking (CCHT) suggests to not approach a potential trafficker and instead call 911 and report to the police as soon as possible and head to a largely populated area. Traffickers tend to pick their victims based on vulnerability or needs who will try to lure them in with providing aid. The best option is to say no and move as far away from the situation because it could quickly escalate based on the needs of the person.
¨Students should learn more about the dangers of it to be more aware of the risks and dangers of it and to know the more intense and complex details of how it happens and what happens,¨ Brie Decarvalho (´23) said.
Following his arrest, Tate will be held in custody for 30 days. A judge on Monday rejected Tate´s appeal of his arrest and he is waiting further trial to receive a larger sentence if there is substantial evidence that prove Tate did in fact commit these crimes.
While Tate has been arrested for this, there still are many traffickers across the United States who have not been caught yet and the only way to prevent attacks is to speak up when noticing suspicious or risky behavior and to educate others on the signs of human trafficking so the situation stops before it progresses.