Girls JV lacrosse perseveres for counties win

Eleni Yates (left) and Mackenzie Moroney (‘25) (right) wish each other luck with a stick-high-five before a game.
May 9, 2022
Throughout the girls’ junior varsity (JV) lacrosse season the players have shown outstanding teamwork and tight communication leading their record to be 10-1. Coaches find ease promoting competitiveness between these players because most of them either grew up playing together or built chemistry prior to the season.
Eleni Yates (‘24), captain of the JV team started off the season on the sidelines due to an ACL injury. Yates said recovery was hard mentally. After playing attack in her comeback game, she was happy to be back.
“I was training every day lifting, running, and got a personal trainer,” Yates said. “It was hard mentally to go from playing every day to not for a full year.”
On April 19, Hereford played against their rival Dulaney at home. During the game Yates scored nine out of the team’s total 16 points. With her comeback there’s now a greater chance for the team to win counties.
Defender Emerson Davis (‘24), said the girls have all worked together and have created valuable friendships throughout the season. The team’s dedication and love for the games has made them come a long way as a team.
“Everyone is nice and helpful towards one another,” Ryan Fowler (‘24) added.
The team has learned to persevere through their own needs and to respect each other. Their dedication and will to succeed has prepared them for their upcoming competition for counties.