Hereford athletes sign letters of intent
November 18, 2021
On Nov.17, Hereford held its’ annual athlete signing event. This year 10 athletes celebrated their commitment to play collegiate athletics along with administration, family, and coaches. These students are not only fantastic athletes, but dedicated scholars. One of the signing athletes, Jordan Peterson, arrived late to the event because she was taking a quiz. For the ceremony, students posed with their coaches and family members for photos and signed a mock letter of intent. Hereford congratulates these seniors and wishes them luck as they continue their student-athlete journey.

(Hofstra University, Lacrosse) (Sophie Shive)

(Frostburg State University, Lacrosse) (Sophie Shive)

(Hampton University, Lacrosse) (Sophie Shive )

(Amherst College, Track and Field) (Sophie Shive)

(Penn State University, Track and Field) (Sophie Shive)

(Salisbury University, Basketball) (Sophie Shive)

(James Madison University, Lacrosse) (Sophie Shive)

(Roanoke College, Field Hockey) (Sophie Shive)

(Washington College, Baseball) (Sophie Shive)

(Hood College, Field Hockey) (Sophie Shive)