Key Club prepares for Trunk or Treat

Provided by: Jay Goetz (’24)

Evan Delibro (’24), Judd Steller (’24), Eddie Shamus (’24), Nick Westerburg (’24), Max Van Note (’24), and Jett Steller (’24) pose in front of several completed goodie bags. The group organized an assembly line style tactic for 45 minutes on Wednesday.

Jake Epstein, Content Editor

Key Club, a community service-oriented group advised by Mrs. Laura Blama, held a meeting on Wednesday Oct. 20, where they made final preparations for a Trunk or Treat headed by the Cool Kids Campaign. The event, set for Friday Oct. 22, provides an evening of candy, uplifting letters, jokes, pumpkin carving, temporary tattoos, and spider education for pediatric oncology patients/survivors and their families.  

“We’re really trying to spread cheer around Halloween and give back to the community as much as possible,” Public Relations director Julia Devaney (’22) said. “We want to do as much as we can to help.” 

Mrs. Blama began the meeting by going over logistics of the event before the club split up into two groups. One handled the handwritten letters to the children, while the other group expeditiously stuffed goodie bags to the brim with candy and toys.  

Six cars, carrying costumed students and decorations, will head to the event and there’s even talk of Brutus the Bull making an appearance in a farm-themed car.  

“My friends and I are decorating my car with hay and dressing up in farm costumes,” Logan Sinsebox (’22), a four-year member, said. “I’m really excited because I take any chance to help out the young, especially those that are struggling.” 

The Cool Kids Campaign holds numerous events with the goal of improving the quality of life for childhood cancer patients and their families. Visit to donate to the cause or learn more about any upcoming events.