Student Council provides opportunity for students to voice their opinions

2020 is coming to a close and some students still feel misrepresented with the events that have transpired in the last few months, and rightfully so. With schools likely going online the rest of the year, sports being continuously delayed, and a ransomware attack that has left the BCPS system discombobulated and dysfunctional, more than ever, BCPS needs your feedback. Having an opportunity to voice your opinion through Student Council is crucial in the development of BCPS during these troubling times.
“The student voice is vital in every regard in and out of the school system,” Samantha Warfel (’23), Student Council co-president, said.
Some opportunities that Baltimore County provides that allow the expression of the student voice are the Baltimore County Student Council General Assemblies and conferences.
The General Assemblies provide students the opportunity to discuss current events with their peers, improve their leadership skills, and even vote on current topics. This can help have a direct impact on the Baltimore County Schools System and more accurately represent the opinions of the student body.
The Assembly is on Dec. 16.
Join the Student Council Group on Schoology with the code; W3Q85-JWV9T for more information on the general assembly and future meetings.