Students display their choreography at annual spring dance recital
Photo provided by Katrina Villanueva
Megan Loomis (’18), Lily Albanese (’18), Gillian Tiralla (’18), Katrina Villanueva (’18), and Grace Isennock (’18) pose for a picture before their last winter performance. They will be performing on April 12 in their last ever high school performance.
May 7, 2018
Dance teacher Erin Norton’s dance program is performing during their annual spring recital in the auditorium on April 12. In comparison to the most recent winter recital, with the spring show comes nostalgia of past performances for the graduating seniors.
“Compared to my freshman year, I’m much more excited than nervous,” Katrina Villanueva (’18), a four-year member of the program and company dancer, said. “I remember my first recital: I was actually shaking on stage and I was really scared I would mess up. Now I just can’t wait to perform.”
Villanueva has been a part of the company dance class for two years, and she is confident that their preparations for the spring dance numbers will be just as impressive and entertaining as they have in the past.
“I’m choreographing for the spring show and very excited about it. This is the first show I’ve ever choreographed and it’s really coming together,” Villanueva said.
As the seniors prepare for their final dance, the juniors are honing in on their talents and ready to follow in the graduating seniors footsteps.
“We’re super excited to be a leading class and take on the role of teaching the newer kids in company and leading everyone with dances,” company dancer Esther Yu (’19) said. “We’ll definitely miss the senior dancers and their impact.”
The company dance class choreographs their own dances to practice and perform for the recital.
“One number to look out for is Katrina’s hip-hop dance that she choreographed,” Yu said. “We’re also doing a tap piece which is new. We don’t usually do that. It’s exciting.”
Shifting from sentimentality to anticipation, underclassmen are eager for their time on stage. With the winter recital under their belt, the freshmen know what to expect and are ready for their performance.
“This will be different from the winter recital because we know more of what to do now that we’ve had the experience of the winter recital, and we can focus on enjoying our dance,” Nikki Mondo (‘21), a freshman new to the dance program this year, said.
The familiarity gained from the winter recital allows room for more complex and elaborate dance numbers for all the dance classes.
“It’s really nice to see all the improvements that everyone has made,” Elsbeth Supplee (’20) said. “One dance to look out for is the Cellblock Tango, it’s going to be a really good one. Also, since the seniors are graduating, they’ll have their own special performance.”
Dance teacher Erin Norton couldn’t be more proud of the development and advancement of her seniors from their first years here, along with the progress made throughout the year by her new dancers.
“The Dance 1 students have made great progress. They really attached themselves to the piece and bought in to many different styles,” Norton said. “They’re next piece for this performance is a little more expressive, some of the movements are more full-body movement. I’m really proud of what they’ve done this year.”
Norton is confident that her dancers will do great things in whatever they pursue after graduation.
“This is a fantastic group of seniors, it’s always difficult to say goodbye. This year they have come together a lot,” Norton said. “The company girls have included all the Dance 4 seniors in their Senior Farewell dance number. That says a lot about the group of girls they are. I felt so lucky to have them with me to grow the program.”