School walk-out works to end gun violence
April 10, 2018
On March 14, students exited the school to commemorate the 17 lives lost in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting last month. Students were given the option of wearing an orange sticker for the protest, the official color of the Enough is Enough movement. The movement strives to create stricter gun laws in order to keep American students and citizens safe.
Students held up signs for each MSD victim and gave brief biographies of their lives. Harbinger editor-in-chief Michael Purdie (’18) then announced a moment of silence for the lives lost.
“The week after the shooting in Florida, I didn’t hear a single person talk about it. There was no announcement, and I just think that’s not okay,” said walk-out speaker Sarah Flynn (’19). “We need to have immediate conversation…and that job needs to be done by the [Hereford] administration.”
Flynn is not the only student who wishes to begin meaningful conversations and spark change. Many students voiced concerns over recent proposition of arming teachers.
“I think there’s too many instances where a student could get a hold of [the gun], someone who shouldn’t have it could get it, or a teacher wasn’t trust-worthy,” said walk-out participant Caroline Timmerman (’18).
The walk-out was not a political crusade, although many students proposed change to the current laws. For some, politics had nearly no bearing on their choice to join their fellow classmates.
“It’s to show ‘no more.’ No more gun violence, not necessarily more gun regulation,” said walk-out participant, Athena Sackleh (’18).
The walk-out brought to light potential threats to our school as well. The administration is now more heavily enforcing the locked-door policy on entry ways, closing the left-wing theater doors once classes begin.
Still, students and community members alike worry about the safety of all schools in the current age.
“Yes, [Hereford is at risk]. There’s a certain demographic here that you know owns guns and you get kind of scared when you think about it,” said walk-out participant Lizzy Gamble (’19).
Despite being stricter about door policies, students continue to question the ability of the school’s staff to react properly to the issue.
“They tend to hide [potential threats]. Jira talks more about drugs than gun safety,” said walk-out participant Isaac Nozick (’19).