Current AP students provide insight about classes
Kyle Lane (’21) registers for his 2018-2019 classes with Guidance Counselor Ellen Fitzkee. Students have the option to challenge themselves through AP courses.
January 16, 2018
Ever wonder what it’s like to be in some of the hardest classes at Hereford? With registration in progress, rising upperclassmen search for insight on which classes are best fit for them, especially since college is now in the forefront of their brains. You are probably asking yourself “Will this AP class be too hard?” Or “Am I going to be able to handle this?” No matter what AP classes you consider, you probably want to consult people who are already in that class.
If you are looking to continue with chemistry in the future, AP chemistry is offered.
Sydney Jenkin (’20) who takes AP World also takes AP chemistry this year with Mr. Fluharty.
“I took AP biology last year, and wanted to continue in the science field this year,” Jenkin said, “I took an honors chemistry class over the summer at John’s Hopkins CTY, and it was online, but I’ve never taken chemistry at Hereford before this,” said Sydney.
Before registering for this class, be aware that this class is a two-credit class, that means you take it every day, which also means more work.
“Our tests are pretty frequent, and we go through the units pretty quickly,” Jenkin said.
This class looks good on college applications, especially if you plan on a career such as medicine, or anything science-related. Although this is a two-credit class and it can seem stressful; the workload is usually consistent, according to Jenkin.
“The work is spaced out well,” Jenkin said, “You’re not overloaded one day and then it’s less work the next day, so as long as I keep up to date on my work, it is not very overwhelming.”
“If you do the work as it’s assigned instead of waiting until the last minute, it is a lot easier,” said Jenkin, “Time management is the most important thing for this class.”
AP English is offered to upperclassmen, Language and Composition for 11th graders, and Literature and Composition for 12th graders. According to Janette Rallis (’19) who also takes, AP psychology, AP English has about the same amount of work compared to her sophomore year of English, but there is more analyzing and more writing.
“This class does demand more [of my] attention since a lot of my other classes barely give homework, but sometimes it feels like an Honors class,” Rallis said.
“Be prepared to write and try not to wait until the last minute. Even if you aren’t a good writer, or don’t like analyzing, this class will help you,” said Rallis.
AP physics is another class offered. While many people complain about the loads of math involved, others enjoy the challenge of this class.
“Physics C is a unique class in that it requires way more critical thinking than any other of my classes,” said Dietrich Sweeney (’18), “the problems are less guided and more of you trying to figure out your own way [to solve the problem],” Dietrich Sweeney (’18) said. Sweeney also takes AP computer science A, AP computer science principles, AP English 12, and AP calculus BC.
According to Jake Turner (’19), the class has done activities such as shooting a potato out of a canon and measuring how far away the potato would land, and how fast it came out. Turner also takes AP U.S. history, AP computer science (A), AP calculus, AP psychology, and AP Spanish.
Both Turner and Sweeney said they enjoy this class because of the challenges that are presented. They advise to take classes you will enjoy, since it makes the work feel lighter.
“It’s definitely a lot [of work] but I get it done, and I take classes that I’m genuinely interested in and that makes it a lot easier,” Turner said.