Kids Helping Hopkins collect gifts for hospital
The collection box is filled with toys and clothes . Kids Helping Hopkins held a drive to collect items to donate to patients at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.
December 21, 2017
Kids Helping Hopkins has been collecting gifts these past few weeks to donate to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. Member Lindsey Duquette (’20), and her brother, Kids Helping Hopkins president, Matt Duquette (’18), are hoping to give back to Johns Hopkins, because the hospital has done the same for them.
“My younger sister was diagnosed with a kidney disorder called FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) when I was about 4 years old, so she spent a lot of time in the hospital,” Matt Duquette said. “I saw firsthand how the Child Life Department and all these drives and stuff could really help kids, so that’s why I really wanted to help out.”
“It’s important to me because I actually received some of the stuff that they did here, when I was there [at Hopkins],” Lindsey Duquette said. “We’re doing crafts right now, so we made a bunch of snowflakes and holiday cards, and when the children get them, it really makes a difference.”
This drive will benefit kids that will have to spend the holidays in the hospital, because they aren’t well enough to go home.
“These kids can’t go home for the holidays so they can’t have the traditional Christmas. You know when you sit down by the tree with your family and open up presents,” Justin Smith (’18) said. “It’s a way to make [the kids] feel better and that they’re not alone in the battle.”
Items being collected include gift cards, games, new clothing, paints, notebooks, and markers (as well as a few others). The drive will go through Thursday, Dec. 21.