Dough Run opens, featuring brookies and gruffins
The gruffins sold at the Dough Run are muffins that contains granola. “We are definitely changing up the baked goods,” Connell-Sprigg said.
October 23, 2017
If you are indecisive about whether you want a chocolate chip cookie or a brownie, you may want to consider picking up a “Brookie” at the recently opened Dough Run.
The Dough Run, owned by Sarah Connell-Sprigg opened at the beginning of September. Despite the name, its specialty is granola.
“I got interested in making my own granola products,” Connell-Sprigg said. “I wasn’t happy with what I could find in the store; there was just too many ingredients. I wanted something that was simple and healthy.”
In 2011, Connell-Sprigg began making granola as a hobby, giving it to friends and family, but the demand kept growing and it was getting expensive so she started charging for it, and it eventually grew into a small business.
“So, I baked out of a kitchen in Harford County, a farm approved by the state kitchen, and that’s where I baked from 2011 until the last two weeks when I started baking here,” Connell-Sprigg said.
Her parents lived on a farm and at the time they were going to the Hereford Farmer’s Market to sell cheese they made, so Connell-Sprigg decided to sell her granola there as well.
“We’ve been to the Hereford Farmer’s Market every Saturday since May and this place just became available,” Connell-Sprigg said. “We just kind of stumbled across it; we weren’t really planning to necessarily do it here.”
The part that confuses many people is when they hear the name “Dough Run.” Their thoughts are usually not about granola.
“I thought it was going to be a bakery. Like a doughnut place,” said Ava Westerberg (’20) who visited the Dough Run the first week they were open.
“We got the name Dough Run because at the time I was living in the Doe Run Valley, D-O-E Run Valley in Pennsylvania and so the name is actually a spin-off of that,” Connell-Sprigg said. “So, the people up there totally get it and are like ‘Oh! I love the name!’” said the owner.
Connell-Sprigg took after her mother and grandmothers in the kitchen.
“I use a lot of their recipes now for the baked goods like muffins and cookies,” she said. Everything is made at the Dough Run location except for small items like chips. Connell-Sprigg likes to put her own spin on basic recipes.
“I like to kind of play around the kitchen so almost every week there will be something new and different,” Connell-Sprigg said. For example, a “gruffin” is a muffin with granola sprinkled on it and “brookie” is half brownie and half cookie.
Westerberg said when she went there was a limited selection of food. However, Amanda Rodier (’19) who recently stopped by the Dough Run thought there was a wide range of products from cookies and pies to chips and sandwiches.
“I got an apple muffin and it was really good,” Rodier said.
Both Westerberg and Rodier agree that the food was a little pricey.
“It’s not somewhere I would be able to go on a regular basis just because of the price range,” Rodier said.
“On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we are open until four and we actually are launching a ‘Happy Hour’ for Hereford High School students,” Connell-Sprigg said. So, from two to four on Tuesday and Thursday, you get ten percent off.” Currently their hours are fluctuating.
Art teacher Joanne Bare stopped at the Dough Run as well.
“It was four dollars for a homemade muffin and a chocolate chip cookie,” she said. “It was one of the best muffin I’ve ever had.”
Connell-Sprigg is continuing to expand the variety of food they sell,
“We’ve been expanding the menu. We have out parfaits now in the morning. We’re going to be bringing hummus in soon,” Connell-Sprigg said. “We have a CSA [Community Supported Agriculture] starting in a couple weeks as well, so you can get fresh vegetables if you sign up. You have to sign up ahead of time; that’ll be on Wednesdays,”
The Dough Run hopes to introduce hot chocolate by the time Christmas comes.
“Our goal is really to have a grab-and-go with healthy options, but also tasty treats, too,” Connell-Sprigg said, “[and to] only use real wholesome ingredients, so you won’t find any substituted or anything that isn’t natural in our products.”
“[It’s] definitely [a] place [to go] if you are into healthy breakfast foods,” Westerberg said.