BCPS Superintendent Dallas Dance resigns
Superintendent Dallas Dance at Hereford High School’s National Blue Ribbon day last May. “The last five years serving as Superintendent of Team BCPS have been the best years of my professional life,” Dance said. “I truly believe BCPS is in a better place today than when I first arrived.”
April 21, 2017
Baltimore County Public Schools Superintendent Dallas Dance resigned after five years on Tuesday, April 18. Dance is responsible for the education of nearly 112,000 students, 18,500 employees, and a $1.87 billion budget, and his resignation comes in the first year of a four-year contract paying him $287,000 annually. Dance had no specific reason other than the unsustainability of “eighteen-hour work days,” and because his resignation comes too late to find a full-time replacement BCPS is in need of an interim superintendent. Dance’s last day as BCPS Superintendent will be June 30, but Dance assures the community he will “always be one of its biggest cheerleaders.”