Bulls Defeat North Harford 18-5
The girls Varsity Lacrosse team gets their picture taken before their game. It is a traditionthat the seniors sit on top of the wall in the back.
April 6, 2017
On Monday March 27th, at 5:15 PM girls varsity lacrosse faced North Harford at our home field. This was their third game of the season.
“We’re just gonna go out there and play our hardest focusing on the things we have worked on in practice and I think we are going to show up everywhere on the field,” Caroline Peterson (’17) said.
“Our last game we really came together as a team and I feel like that will carry over into this game” Erin Williams (’18) said.
“I think we’re going to win we won last year and our zone defense will be able to handle their motion offense” Rachel Saunders (’19) said.
The girls were pretty confident about the game and were very prepared. This showed in the end score when they won 18-5.
The girls started off the game strong with a lead of 8-2 halfway through the first half. Soon after Isabella Peterson (’19) cleared a lane for fellow teammate Libby May (’19) so May could drive to goal. Peterson then only one minute later scored herself left handed in the top right corner.
After Peterson’s goal opponent North Harford gained possession and headed toward the goal. Goalie Sam Swope (’20) saved the shot with a stop in between the legs. She then cleared it to Rachel Saunders (’19) who used her speed to get the ball up field.
The team finished off the half with two goals made by senior Caroline Peterson and junior Kylie Nause. Grace Clarke (’18) started the play that lead to Nause’s goal. Clarke had a one hand interception which was then passed up field to Nause. This was a nice way to finish off the half for the Bulls with a lead of 13-2.
During the first half both teams controlled the ball equally in midfield and won about the same amount of draws. Hereford although had a stronger defense and offense making them control the ball more overall.
Just three minutes into the second half Caroline Peterson (’17) drives to goal adding to the lead. Which was followed by North Harford winning the draw and controlling the ball down the field. After keeping possession for a while they scored with a bounce shot.
Ella Tankersley (’17) uses her speed to get the ball quickly down the field after defender Grace Clarke (’18) gains control off of a ground ball on defense and passes it up to Tankersley.
Toward the end of the game Hereford really stepped up their pressure and had multiple double teams and got the balled turned over with a three seconds call.
Gracie Sanders (’17) has an assist to teammate Graeme Eber (’17) who scores with a shot in the upper corner. After the goal North Harford wins the draw again and bring the ball down the field. Defender Erin Williams (’18) checks the opponent and gets the possession back and sprints toward midfield.
In the second half North Harford’s defense stepped up the pressure and only allowed five goals instead of 13 making the final score 18-5.
“They are a good group of girls who work hard and are very dedicated and also this is a very young team and we are not where we want to be yet after losing ten seniors last year but overall it was a good effort” North Harford head coach said.