Got Talent?
The Pit Orchestra, directed by Choir and Guitar teacher David Sobel, accompanies the actors and actresses onstage.
February 3, 2017
After attending the Variety show last night, I can say I have absolutely no talent. Who knew there was a Regional yo-yo champion walking the halls? Or a freshman musical prodigy, who can compose a six minute piece in two days and perform it without any sheet music? Not to mention the many other singers, actors, musicians, and dancers. The Variety Show opened with a monologue and ended with one of the hosts playing the piano while singing “Hey Jude” by the Beatles. In between were with cellos, violins, pianos, guitars, skits, dances, yo-yo’s, and yes, even an accordion.
The show went on and my face became more and more green as the Jealousy Monster took over my body. “Why were they born a natural singer?” I thought to myself. “Why don’t I have a natural ability for music?” I fumed. Then as I drove home screeching along to the radio, music cranked, I realized it’s not all natural ability.
People can be born a gifted singer or musician sure, but they didn’t get where they are today without hardwork. Lessons are just like practice. Rehearsals are just like scrimmages. Live performances are just like games. And you know what they say…practice makes perfect!
I’ve heard students complain before about rehearsals afterschool and long weekend lessons. The old me would’ve rolled my eyes and thought something along the lines of “at least you don’t have to run outside in 30 degree weather for two hours.” However, I’ve changed my ways. I can’t keep comparing apples to oranges. Sports can be challenging and extremely time-consuming, but so can performing. I cannot imagine memorizing a whole book of lines, nevertheless remembering to dance and sing at certain cues.
Even if I did remember all my lines and when to dance and sing, I know my mind would go blank as soon as the curtain opened and all the blinking eyes focused on me. It takes an insane amount of confidence and courage to perform in front of a live audience. In sports, you feel sort of separated from the crowd, especially if it’s a team sport. Not ALL the attention is focused on you. Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know, but I think the feeling of knowing the whole audience is there to see you may create more nerves. So, not only can the students perform flawlessly, but they can do it with a heart full of bravery.
But I don’t want to discredit myself. I’m talented in many ways. I will always be able to procrastinate until the last minute and use all the data for my phone in the first week it restarts. Maybe I could do a skit including that for the next Variety Show!