Third Quarter Kills Me
Photo provided by: Alexis Griffey
Alexis Griffey(’17) dreads third quarter. She didn’t have the best levels of motivation.
February 1, 2017
Half way through the year and I have made it this far. Putting forth all my effort, getting straight As, and not having too many breakdowns due to stress. However, I tend to peak just as second quarter ends. It can only go downhill from here.
With my motivation lacking, of course teachers decide to assign the most important projects of the entire year. So far, I have been assigned two five to seven minute speeches to write and memorize and two of the largest AP Biology labs of the year (averaging about 20 pages each). Third quarter just started three days ago. All of these assignments, on top of scholarships, might actually kill me. R.I.P Alexis C. Griffey 1999-2017.
Not only does school work begin to multiply, but so do the activities. Prom, being about three months away, will sneak up on me before I even see it coming. Don’t even get me started on finding a prom dress, as I have already viewed at least 10 different websites and I found absolutely nothing sparking my interest. Also, auditions for the spring play are occurring in five days. Have I found and memorized a one minute monologue to perform? Of course not. I do not have time to do that this week with an AP Biology lab, which took six hours.
Thinking about all the due dates and events happening at once is enough to give me a pounding headache. Looks like I am going to need purchase more Advil. Spring break cannot come any quicker.