Where’s the Snow?
Snow covers a field and dusts the lone trees. This 2015 snowfall closed schools and canceled activities in the Zone.
December 22, 2016
As the days wind down till Christmas break, everyone’s wondering the same thing: Will it be a white Christmas?
In all the classic holiday movies, the family wakes up together and looks out the window to a snow covered ground, icicles hanging off the trees, and younger next door neighbors-who can barely see over the snow-building a snowman. The mom will make hot chocolate and the dad will start a fire so everyone can cozy up around the tree and begin present opening.
Sounds nice right?
Last Christmas, as many remember, record breaking temperatures were set across the country. We woke up to 70 degree tanning weather, not snowball fight weather!
We weren’t fortunate enough to receive a white Christmas, but we were blessed with snowstorm Jonas that got kids and adults alike off school/work for at least 4 days.
From Jan. 22-24, the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states were hibernating under inches of snow.
“Snowfall totals from the storm topped out near 42 inches in West Virginia and at least 14 states in total received more than a foot of snow from the storm,” According to https://weather.com.
Good time to be a senior, huh? In schools almost everywhere, the graduation date is set early in the school-year, so seniors will get out of school early and graduate on that date no matter what. So when underclassman and teachers groan as days are added onto June, seniors are found pool-side enjoying the sunshine.
So I ask now, where is the snow?! With these frigid temperatures arriving, I expect some snow to get me out of school, at the very least track practice.
Whether it’s an opportunity to catch up on sleep, go snowboarding/sledding outside, bake, or do homework, everyone could use a day-off.
“I tend to stay inside, play board-games, start a fire in our fireplace, and then eventually go outside, go sledding, and have a snowball fight,” said Russell Stevenson (’20).
David Staab (’18) likes to go sledding as well, but with a twist. “In my typical snow-day I set up skateboard ramps at the bottom of my hill and go sledding off of them,” said Staab.
Even teachers can be seen enjoying the slopes.
“One of the things we like to do [on snow days] is go sledding and just play outside with our kids. If the roads are cleared we go to Liberty Mountain and go snowboarding,” said Science teacher Russ Drylie.
Some are stuck doing the inevitable though…grading papers.
“I like going sled-riding with my daughter,” Social Studies teacher Jon Shinnick said, “But I usually grade papers.”
While Shinnick would prefer no snow days to get out as early as possible in June, Julia Watt (’19) would rather have lots of snow days.
“I like to go sledding but also catch up on my sleep a lot,” said Watt (’19).
A popular thing to do is get snowed in with friends so boredom doesn’t strike. More importantly, so you aren’t forced to interact with other family members.
“I like to have my friends over and make cookies and watch movies together,” said Alex Butz (’17).
However, its important to pick which friends you invite wisely, because who knows how long they’ll be eating all your food.