Kelly Wesolowski featured in the Baltimore Sun
Photo provided by John Roemer IV
Kelly Wesolowski (’17) runs for Hereford cross country. This is one of many successful races she has run since returning to the course after months of injury.
October 26, 2016
Kelly Wesolowski (17’) was featured in the Baltimore Sun last week for her record setting comeback from foot surgery. A year after foot surgery in her first season of cross country Wesolowski has won two races by significant margins, even beating a2009 record at Milestat 5k. Her impressive comeback is not a surprise to cross country coach John Roemer.
The Baltimore Sun quoted Roemer as saying, “I think we all knew she had the capacity to do this but you can’t hide when she comes out…she’s been so successful, it’s hard for me to remember and realize that she really is a novice.”
“It was really exciting that someone wanted to write such a long article about me. It makes me feel like all my hard work after coming back from surgery has finally payed off,” Wesolowski said.