Reider’s Rants: Capturing Hallowthankmas
Emily Endres (’17) sleeps on the ground at the edge of a cornfield. She is a model for an AP Photo assignment about juxtapositions.
October 20, 2016
This is the best season for two of my favorite things. Taking photographs along with celebrating the holiday seasons make me the happiest.
For those of you who don’t know, Hallowthankmas is the time of year starting in the beginning of October and ending in the end of December. Urban dictionary defines it as “Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all rolled into one.”
I heard this today for the first time from one of my friends and I fell in love with it. It’s the perfect word to wrap up the best time of the year.
Typically I get into the Christmas spirit right after Halloween, but with this new word of Hallowthankmas, it gets me ready even earlier.
Last weekend I took one of my favorite photographs for my AP Photo assignment. The assignment was portraiture juxtapositions. A juxtaposition is defined as “an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast” by
So I took a photograph at the edge of a cut down cornfield in the tall fall weeds with a girl sleeping in a blanket. While looking at this photograph the aesthetic elements of it are pleasing, along with the fall background.
Last weekend I also made French toast with one of my friends the morning after a sleepover. We dyed the egg batter red and green and we listened to Christmas music. We had a Christmas themed breakfast.
With festivities all around there is never a dull moment in the fall. In October there are leaves falling, pumpkins waiting to be carved, and children and teenagers dressing up in costumes trick-or-treating, or attending parties on Halloween night.
In November there is weaving through corn-mazes, attempting to stay warm in the cold weather, and the stuffing of stomachs all day long on Thanksgiving.
In December there is gift wrapping, snow falling, children playing, families cooking, Christmas caroling, hot chocolate making, and people loving.
All of these festivities are just waiting to be photographed. I can think of dozens of possible images right now that are just floating around in my head.
Our next AP Photo assignment is about mask portraiture. I’m thinking about having my brother’s face painted brown, holding deer antlers up to his head and kneeling in the woods. This not only is photography but also fall themed since deer are highly prominent in this season.
Hallowthankmas is a new mentality for me this time of year and makes me happy just thinking about all of the holidays in the near future and I cannot wait to capture these memories and festivities with my camera.