Sophomores have few privelages

June 10, 2016
Being a sophomore is a very unnatural time because you can’t really do anything on your own yet, like drive somewhere or make our own money which sucks. We’re not the new, scared freshmen we once were, but we’re also not an upperclassmen yet. We’re just stuck in the middle. Our desire for independence causes a lot of unrest and disputes at home, especially when it comes to the mother-and-child relationship.
We feel old enough to drive on our own and be our own person, yet we are still dependent on our parents. Asking for money to go out and asking permission before everything I do makes it feel like I am 8 years old.
I am not allowed to get a job because my mom thinks that it’s unnecessary and that I’ll be working my whole life so that I should just appreciate my temporary freedom. Maybe one day I’ll look back and thank her but for now I think it’s stupid since I will be driving soon and I would like to be able to buy my own things.
I also think that there is a complete double standard between teenage boys and girls. For example, my 18 year-old brother can do pretty much whatever he wants and is basically completely independent. When I am 18, I am positive I will not have the same rights simply because I am a girl. “Its not safe for you” is a common term used by my parents regarding certain situations.
Students have virtually no rights at this age too. High School is not a democracy; it’s a dictatorship. Rules are made and expected to be followed, like in life, but we don’t have a say or a voice. Student government and council organize fundraisers and raise money for events like homecoming and Prom, but real issues regarding rules aren’t necessarily discussed and change is rarely brought.