Sierra Says: Staying Connective

SIerra Webb

This summer everyone has something going on: going to the beach, vacationing out of the country, working as a life guard, going to summer camp, or maybe just kicking back in bed and binge watching Netflix all summer.

With little to no time in between all of these plans, trying to stay connected with friends is a lot harder than it seems, especially when you can’t just drive over to their house.

Your mom is still that person who has to drive you all the way across Monkton or Parkton to get you where you want to go. When your parents work during the summer it seems impossible to get where you want to go throughout the day and with training for your fall sport all summer, it’s hard to cram in time to see all of your friends at once.

Work also comes into play as well. After a long day of work your energy is slowly drained as well and it seems impossible to go to your friend’s house and find the energy to be active.

It’s important to make time with your friends since you won’t be seeing them every day like you’re so accustom to. Going on vacation with your friends can also be a fun and exciting way to spend time together, whether you’re at the beach or just staying local and going tubing in the Gunpowder, these are some ways you can stay connected with friends.