The FPA club supports Children’s Cancer

Alex’s Lemonade stand has raised over 35 million dollars since 2000.
The Future Physicians of America club raises awareness for children with cancer. They support Alex’s Lemonade Stand and their million mile campaign by wearing gold and encouraging students to do the same.
“We’re hoping to raise awareness in the Hereford community about bigger problems like kids with cancer,” said the Co President of the club, Lauren Matheny (’16).
Children’s cancer gets neglected when people think of cancer. “We looked online and only five percent of all cancer studies goes to Children’s cancer,” President, Madison Cole (’16).
“Like we don’t normally think about on a daily basis, like everyone thinks about breast cancer but no one thinks about kids with cancer,” she said.
Join in on the Future Physicians of America Million Mile team this month. Register on Alex’s Lemonade Stand website. If you’re interested in finding a career in the medical field, sign up with Mr. Keller to join the next discussion.