NEHS celebrates Black History Month

  • Photo by Caprice Roche’

  • Photo by Caprice Roche’

  • Photo by Caprice Roche’

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  • Photo by Caprice Roche’

  • Photo by Caprice Roche’

  • Photo by Caprice Roche’

  • Photo by Caprice Roche’

  • Photo by Caprice Roche’

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The National English Honor Society held a Pastries and Poetry event yesterday during enrichment in the library. The event was for members of NEHS to express their love for poetry by reciting their favorite works.

The theme for the poems was Black History Month. Students recited poems by African American writers to go along with the respects given to African Americans in the month of February.

Meghan Anderson (’15) recited the poem “Negro” by Langston Hughes, which is about the history of prejudice toward the African American race. Hughes calls attention to the abuse that black slaves have suffered throughout history.

“I thought it was a great time to relax and hang out with some friends and listen to the different things about the African American culture,” said Carlos Gonzalez (’15). “We got some pastries, so that was cool.”

About seventy students gathered round to be a part of Pastries and Poetry, each and every one with a smile on their face. Look out for the event to happen again next year if you missed out this year, or even if you just want to experience the fun again.